Having the other driver speed away from the scene of a car accident they caused can cause a wave of panic on top of an already stressful situation. Usually, your accident protocol may revert to knowing you should exchange insurance information with the at-fault driver, among other things. Without the other driver there, however, this is not really an option. So, what should you do, and not do, after being left behind in a hit and run accident?
Hit and Run Accidents
Hit and run accidents are scarily common and it is important to be prepared for such a possibility. If your initial reaction is to try and speed off after the driver trying to flee, resist this urge. While tempting, it can all too easily lead to more harm than good. You may get in another accident trying to catch up with them. If you do catch up with them, you do not know what state of mind that driver may be in. Road rage is real and you do not want to be the recipient of such rage.
Instead, stay at the accident scene and call 911 immediately. Documenting and gathering evidence is important in any accident, but may be even more so in a hit and run accident. Calling 911 will generate an official accident report and law enforcement will document what evidence they find at the accident scene as well as your version of the events. Witnesses to the accident will also be questioned. Furthermore, police can immediately begin investigating the whereabouts of the at-fault driver who fled the scene.
In addition to contacting the police right away, it will also be important for you to contact your insurance company as soon as possible. In fact, you are likely to be contractually obligated to inform your insurance company of the accident within a certain time frame. Failure to do so could jeopardize access to your insurance benefits which may be even more critical if the other driver is never located and, thus, you do not have the ability to file a claim against their insurance company.
While it is fresh in your memory, document anything you remember about the accident and about the vehicle that caused the accident. Do you remember the license plate or even a partial license plate? What was the vehicle’s make, model, and color? Could you give a basic description of who was driving the vehicle? What direction did they head off towards? This can all help law enforcement locate the driver.
Witnesses can also play an important role in establishing what happened in an accident. They may also be able to provide details of the vehicle that left the accident scene. Be sure to get as many witness names and their contact information as it may prove useful later on.
Personal Injury Attorney
If you have been injured in a hit and run accident, do not hesitate to contact trusted personal injury attorney Michael LoGiudice. Contact us today.